My Knitting History

My grandmother taught me how to knit when I was around 10 yrs old. It was great for about an hour then I would wander away. 15 years later on a two day road trip she retaught me my knits and purls. By the time we got home I pretty much had them down. Since she lives an hour and a half away from me I had to find a different source to learn more. I ended up here on the internet. Now I can't seem to stop knitting, if I don't have a project going...I'm lost.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

JD’s Baby Blanket!


Baby blankets take a lot longer than I thought they would. JD was a month old by the time his blanket was ready for him. Although it took a while, it turned out absolutely great! I used Bernat Baby Coordinates in blue, white, green, and a variegated green/yellow for the stripes, it’s about the size of a crib blanket. I started the blanket in late August, and finished it in early November. Now if I had not started working again it would have been done on time, however that was not the case. I’m extremely happy with how this turned out, the feather and fan pattern made it simple and elegant. Happy Birthday JD!!

Now I’m on to my next project. This is going to be a simple K1 P1 ribbed scarf with a pocket on each end. This one is for my Aunt Philene, she’ll need it during the winter in the “Windy City”. I started it about a week ago, but wasn’t very happy with the gauge, so I ripped it out and I’m starting on larger needles. I knit in English style, and have decided this will be a great project to teach myself Continental style. It has proved frustrating, I’m not used to knitting that slow. I’m doing my best to not give up though, practice makes perfect after all!

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